Premier Tech Is Launching Liveline

Arcane Technologies is proud to announce that the international manufacturer Premier Tech through the Digital business group launched its production line 3D configurator Liveline in early access.

Liveline enables OEM equipment manufacturers to build production lines in real-time 3D. Indeed,  equipment 3D models dragged on a virtual floor enable customers to visualize their future production line in real-time. Moreover, though Liveline‘s intuitive interface, salespeople can easily configure a production line within the constraints of the facility. Configuring a production line can be done without training, nor assistance from a technical team.

Arcane Technologies is proud to have worked with Premier Tech Digital to develop Liveline. Together we have developed a functional proof of concept – PoC – and the minimum viable product – MVP. The success of these earlier development phases allowed Premier Tech to demonstrate and validate: technology and technical challenges, internal feedbacks, customer feedbacks, business models, etc.

« Thanks to Arcane Technologies we were able to kickoff the project quickly at zero hour without having all the required software development expertise internally and more specifically in 3D. They allowed us to meet our schedules, meet our budgets, and deliver more than a minimal viable product. »

– Wilhelm Bielert, VP & Chief Digital Officer, Premier Tech

« Liveline was the perfect project match for us, a real-time 3D application development initiative we can accelerate with our core expertise. For typical product development cycles, our major impact is at the proof of concept phase – PoC, then minimal viable product – MVP and then in the final phase or deployment where 3D performance is critical. »

– Mathieu Benoit, CEO, Arcane Technologies

Congratulations Premier Tech Digital, the future is bright Liveline!

About Premier Tech
Making a difference, this is what we are all about at Premier Tech. One team driven by a shared passion to deliver solutions that will better the lives of people, businesses and communities. At Premier Tech, People and Technologies connect in lasting, transformative ways, giving life to products and services that help feed, protect and improve our world. We are committed to creating sustainable solutions that help bring beautiful gardens to life, increase crop yields, improve the efficiency of manufacturing facilities, treat and recycle water, and much more as we keep innovating.

For more than 95 years, Premier Tech has been growing internationally, driven by the collective power of its 4 600 team members in 27 countries. Backed by a quarter-century-long track record of solid growth, Premier Tech today records sales of nearly 900 million dollars.

For more information about Premier Tech, visit
For more information about Premier Tech Digital and Liveline launch announcement:

About Arcane Technologies
Arcane Technologies is a software and hardware engineering company specialized in emerging and 3D interactive technologies. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), interactive visualization, real-time 3D rendering are some examples. Established in 2007 and located in Quebec City, Arcane Technologies was selling its products and services around the world from day one. Our mission is to support businesses and mainly manufacturers to integrate emerging and 3D interactive technologies along 3 fundamental vectors: products and services R&D, products and service marketing and design, training and production.

For more information about Arcane Technologies, visit

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